A message from my mother…who died last year Ceilon Aspensen, August 18, 2024August 18, 2024 I was recently published in the book, “Home: It’s complicated,” a publication of the Museum of the American Military Family. I follow their Facebook page. Just recently their resident writer asked for us to share memories from our experience in DOD schools overseas. I commented and was invited to be interviewed for a video documentary they will post in the museum. The person interviewing me sent me the script/questions this morning, some of which ask about what our parents did there. My mom worked for EES as a secretary. It occurred to me that I never knew what that was so I looked it up. EES (European Exchange Service) is now AAFES (Army and Air Force Exchange Service), and they were/are the supply chain for stocking the PX/BX. When doing my internet search for what EES was and what they did, I found an eBay listing for an airmail envelope that had a stamp cancellation date of April 12, 1973. As soon as I opened up the eBay listing and saw the photo of the envelope, I immediately recognized my mother’s handwriting! I got out her old address book to make sure I wasn’t imagining things, so I could check the handwriting. I found a sample of her print handwriting and it matches! So, I bought the envelope from eBay. I felt like it was a message from the grave. Please follow and like us: Military Brat Culture aafesArmy Bratbrat cultureeesmcgraw kaserneMilitary Bratmunich american elementary schoolperlacher forst