The MAMF January 2025 Facebook banner Ceilon Aspensen, January 1, 2025January 1, 2025 January features Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day (January 20th). There are so many great quotes from Dr. King, and I love them all. However, my favorite is this one: “We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.” Many people these days talk about all of the terrible things going on in the world. It may seem as if events grow more evil and the times are dark indeed. There is war in Ukraine, other conflicts around the world, inflation that has skyrocketed prices of basic commodities (such as food) in the aftermath of the pandemic, and more. When the outlook seems dark, I like to remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. While many reflect on “the good old days,” I remind myself that “the good old days” also included diseases with no cure, many more wars than are being fought now, and I am grateful for all of the advancements in modern medicine, the reduced number of wars, and all of the modern conveniences that we take for granted that my parents and grandparents did not enjoy. If or when I am feeling that there is more injustice in the world than justice, I remember that “the arc of the moral universe is long but bends toward justice.” I remind myself that what I see in front of me is but one small piece of the larger picture, and I must step back to take in a wider perspective on things. The January 2025 MAMF Facebook banner design is meant to remind us all of these things. Please follow and like us: Art Military Brat Culture