What’s been on my mind lately… And like that, she’s gone "And like that, [s]he's gone." I have been going 90-to-nothing for over six months, now; doing and being things for Praising God through the the pain I regularly FAIL at this. I frequently interpret difficult, soul-trying circumstances as punishment. When you were raised by a sociopath In the event of an emergency, place the oxygen mask on yourself first I have seen this meme pop up in dozens of places around the web lately. It has been attributed to Make sure the stories you listen to are true "We become the stories we listen to." --Matthew Kelly Right now there's a huge opportunity for gossip in my community Teachers who fail upwards from the classroom into administration or education policy In public school teaching, the ones who already think they've arrived are the ones we should worry about. I am Do not grow weary in well-doing It stinks to be hacked. I've just spent five hours on a Sunday changing all of my passwords everywhere I've Coincidence is God winking at us There are NO coincidences. As a friend at Holy Rosary once said to me, "Coincidence is God winking at us." Tricking yourself into forgiveness I learned a LOT about forgiveness this year. The most important thing I learned is that forgiveness is a trick This is what your life looks like on a doctoral program Bachelor's degree = "I really want to get 'A's, but I'm so young, disorganized and unconscious that I can't figure « Previous 1 … 9 10 11