My supplementary reading and prayers Ceilon Aspensen, February 29, 2024March 9, 2024 Today is a Leap Day, because it’s Leap Year. This only happens every four years, so it makes it difficult to schedule a regular Bible reading for this year. So, today I’m going to put in a plug for some of my favorite supplementary reading that I do every day, in addition to the daily reading I do in the Bible. Every day, I read a short passage out of the following books: The Upper Room The Little Books Vision 2000: Praying Scripture in a Contemporary Way: A Cycle The Power of a Praying Wife The Power of a Praying Mom The Power of a Praying Grandparent In addition to those books, I also pray the following prayers: The Lord’s Prayer Pope Francis’ Prayer to Mary Undoer of Knots The Pope’s 5-Finger Prayer A Stewardship Prayer Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel It may seem like a lot, but it only takes about 20 minutes to get through all of these little chapters and prayers. And if you think you don’t have time to do that, then I’ll quote you a Zen Koan that is appropriate for your situation: “If you don’t have time to meditate for an hour everyday, you should meditate for two hours.” When we get so busy that we can’t take care of ourselves, spiritually, then we need to UNbusy ourselves and put things in their right order. I can’t tell you how many times my life has gotten so busy that I was shortcutting my morning spiritual routine, and before long it got even MORE out of control. I stopped, took the time in the morning to return to my full morning routine, and then everything righted itself. Take the time. If these books and prayers aren’t perfect for you, find your own. Read widely and discover what will work for you. To participate in a discussion about the posts, please join us in our private Facebook group that I set up specifically for sharing what we take-away from the readings each day. If you haven’t gotten the FREE “Read the Bible in a Year” worksheet yet, you can download it here. It is not necessary for you to start on January 1st–you can start from the beginning on whatever date you get the worksheet. Join us! Learn more about why I read the Bible all the way through every year, and feel free to share with anyone you think could benefit. This post is part of the series, “Read the Bible in a Year.” To see other posts in this series, go to the Chronological Index of Read the Bible in a Year Posts. Please follow and like us: Read the Bible in a Year Spiritual Practice